Sequence Images

 Sequence Images Class Practice

Today for my project of the term I created a set of sequence images.

Eduard Muybrige Horse

The image is from Eduard Muybrige who created many sequence images.He started his experiments with sequence images with photographs of a horse.

Muybridge's experiments in photographing motion began in 1872, when the railroad magnate Leland Stanford hired him to prove that during a particular moment in a trotting horse's gait, all four legs are off the ground simultaneously. His first efforts were unsuccessful because his camera lacked a fast shutter. (Britannica )

Inspired by the works of Muybrige, Elliot Erwitt and Sam Taylor Wood, I created my own sequence image. This sequence images shows the flight of my parrot.


Eadweard Muybridge (no date) Encyclopædia Britannica. Available at: (Accessed: 10 October 2023). 


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