
  • Materials
1. Main building/ entrance 
For this building I am planning to use cardboard and mount board for creating the wavy constructions on sides of the building. For windows which will collocated on sides I am planning to use acetate. 
2. Huts 
In my project there will be 3 huts which I am planning to create from plaster and after polish it to neat and clean finish. After I will get this I am planning to add details like windows and second floor from cardboard.
After several attempts to use this material I didn’t get the neat outcome, so I decided to create this object using paper mache technique, but at the end I came to conclusion to use white plastic from model making workshop, acetate and wood.
3. Leisure centre 
Leisure centre will be the central building of my project. For this object i am planning to use grey foam for creating carcass which will be in half sphere form and acetate for creating windows. After creating carcass  I am planning to attach to them the windows from acetate.

  • Timescale 
My 3D outcome I am planning to complete in 2 week. First week, I am planning to practice with materials, deciding with the sizes and completing most of the part of the buildings. For second week I am planning to complete all details and work with exterior. 
  • Presentation 
To present my work I am planning to photograph it in studio and upload it to my portfolio.


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