Hemp Fibre Insulation

In my project for as insulation material I will use hemp fibre insulation.  This material I will use instead of fibreglass becouse hemp fibre insulation is more sustainable material and is more clother to the consepnt of using local constraction materials typical for Ukraine. Thats why for my project I will use hempcreate (material which I have been spoke in previos post) and hemp fibre insulation which made of inductrial cannabis which  were used in Ukraine as a building material in achient times.

This material I will use as insulation material for main entrance building to increase energy efficency.

This hemp insulation is sustanable material because hemp has got air-purifying qualities as well, since the plant takes a lot of CO2. Also, thi smaterial has 0% carbohydrate footprint which makes this material highly sustainable.


Hemp insulation: Properties, advantages and prices (2024) Insulation. Available at: (Accessed: 01 March 2024). 

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Samuel Hitch Managing DirectorBuy Insulation Online.  View all posts by Samuel Hitch      Join Group Join our Facebook community. Ask questions and get free advice from our experts. et al. (no date) Hemp wool insulation: Discover the perfect insulation made of hemp yarn and woolBuy Insulation Online. Available at: (Accessed: 12 March 2024). 


  1. Okay, but can you source this close to your proposed construction site?

    There is little evidence of your project on here, either design ideas, sketches, notes on development of your design. This is very worrying. There should evidence of the development of your idea throughout the blog for both the 2D and 3D elements of this project.

  2. See above comment - also you are falling a long way behind and you are not using your blog consistently - this is going to affect your mark at assessment.


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