2D PROCESS: Part 2

 2D Process 

In this process post will show the process of creating my concept drawing in 2 point perspective.
Firstly, I started with completing main sketch to understand how all objects will be located on sheet.

I made a quick drawing with 3B pencil which takes 15 min.

My drawing I started with putting A3 paper on bigger A2 paper and joining them with tape. After I added 2 vanishing  points on big A2 paper from different sides and closer to the right side of the sheet I placed the centre line of my first building and connected that line with vanishing points. Then I marked the width of the building.
Next step added the middle building 

And after that with perspective lines 3 other hubs.
To finalise my pencil drawing I added building details to drawing.
And highlight lines with ink pen 

After I got my final ink outcome I decided to paint it with watercolours, so I transferred the drawing on watercolour paper 

And here is my final outcomes:


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