Second term reflection 

This term was full of various new tasks and exercises and also, at the same time, we used our knowledge from previous term and other modules, such as, 2D 3D media processes and Digital art.
We started this term by talking in our posts about what inspired us during the holidays and recreating the old masters work, which, in my opinion was very energetic start of our module.

From second week we started preparing to our project, in beginning of our term tutor give to us 3 themes (primitivism, pop-art and industrialism), which we could use as a starting point. That week we started from our initial ideas about each of those themes and creating the small sketches which took 2 min each with different objects from that themes. Later that sketches inspired me for my main project. I really liked this method of generating ides and definitely I will use it many more times in the future. 
After the couple of crazy eight tasks I clearly understand which theme I will use for my project and also, after that task I already had the idea and aim of my project. Generally, first several weeks of our module was filled with creativity and for me they were the best of all time of our module.

Next several weeks we spent on doing research, which wasn’t easy for me, because of the theme which I chose were Primitivism and I was trying to find something related to that. At the same time we were improving our ideas and already had what looked like our final outcome. I personally liked the session when we were deploying our ides and trying to find new ways to develop project.

For our project we needed to create 6 2-dimentional and one 3 dimensional-outcomes. Our knowledge from 2D3D module helped here because we could use the techniques and materials which we learned about in that module

At the same time during all those 10 weeks we were attending workshops which helped to us to complete our projects. Personally for me, the 2 point perspective workshop were very important because I used that skill for creating my final outcome 

Overall, this term learned me many new things and I had opportunities to develop my old skills, and also, give me some understanding about progress of creating projects.


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