Ideas Development

 Ideas Development 

This post will be focused on developing my initial ides. 
Firstly, I picked some of the ides which I generated on previous lesson and drew them more detailed.

After that our tutors give us 3 options for developing ides, 3 different pictures, I decided to pick painting of Giacomo Balla, Italian artist who was a part of the Futurist group. 

 In this painting I inspired by lines, the artist using combination of organic and geometric lines to create dynamic movement which personifies industrialism as something revolutionary.

Giacomo Balla’s painting contains repeating circular motifs which I inspired by and tried to use as a pattern for the idea which I made on previous lesson as my initial ideas. Then I seen in this organic shapes something similar to shell which inspired me to go for sea themed. 

Picture reference :

Bella, G. (2013) ‘Velocity of an Automobile ’, ‘Italian Futurism’ Is Coming to the Guggenheim. The New York Times . Available at: (Accessed: 13 April 2024).


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